The sea run brown trout, better known as the seatrout, is a brown trout that is anadromous. Native to Europe; the seatrout has also been introduced to far flung areas such as Argentina and Chile. After a feeding frenzy at sea and then returning to its river of birth, these chrome fish will slowly take on its colours of the natural brown trout. Being easily spooked, it takes a lot of skill and determination to hook a seatrout; but the reward is something to behold. One of the best hard running fish on the fly you can ever meet.
Where to fish

Kau Tapen - Argentina
Kau Tapen has become a household name for anglers across the world searching for the enigmatic sea run brown trout. The lodge itself, takes its name from the native Indian Ona language meaning “House of Fishing”..

Villa Maria - Argentina
The sister lodge to Kau Tapen, Villa Maria was opened in 1994 and sits perfectly on the lower section of the Rio Grande giving anglers first crack of the whip to catch fresh sea run brown trout..

Howenh Lodge - Argentina
The Rio Grande has become synonymous with world record sea run brown trout and we are privileged to welcome you to one of the newest lodges on the river – Howenh Lodge..

Bella Sofia - Argentina
The Rio Gallegos has become a very popular river for fishing for sea run brown trout – and with good reason! We welcome you to one of the newest lodges on the river – Bella Sofia Lodge has more than 60 kilometres of water to fish!